Friday, April 2, 2010

Day #15 & #16

Easter is right around the corner. I've never spent Easter away from my family before. At least I've got my boys. ♥ Jason's company had an Easter Egg Hunt get-together thingy on Wednesday. Then there was one for all of Ft. Hood on Thursday. We had a real good time at both. :))

3/31 - Day #15 - Joey found this bridge while Easter egg hunting. He had so much fun on it! Got some really cute shots, but this was a top fave. He is just too much for words. ♥

Here's more from Wednesday:

4/1 - Day #16 - Amish Friendship Bread. My mom has been making this bread on and off for what seems like an eternity. One day, she sent me a box with a bag of dough, some bread pans and a few other ingredients. I've been making bread every 10 days since then! Sometimes 2 loafs, sometimes 4. It's kind of irritating to keep up with sometimes, but it's fun to know that my mom and I are baking bread together on the same day, even though we're 1,000 miles apart.

My house smells so yummy right now.
*Camping this weekend at Belton!! WOOHOO!


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